Version 2.2.1 Fri Jul 02 2004 ----------------------------- - Fixed Stop with cdaudio plugin - Fixed configuration script (has_shape) - No OSD on plugin error where message length is 0 Version 2.2.0 Thu Jul 01 2004 ----------------------------- - OSD is now displayed in a separate window (not root window as before) which makes it always on top. The idea is shamelessly broowed from libxosd by Andre Renaud - thanks, Andrew. - new configuration resources related to OSD: osdTextTop, osdBkgrMask, osdBkgrColour(osdBkgrColor), osdFrameWidth, osdFrameColour(osdFrameColor) - added --disable-shape config option - optional display_name with --osd command line argument - a simpler plugin interface Version 2.1.1 Thu Jun 24 2004 ----------------------------- - Fixed status report for CD leadout Version 2.1.0 Sun Jun 20 2004 ----------------------------- - Added WndClose operation - Added to window target F - input focus owner - Added key selection by KeySym code for Send Key Event - In Key/Mouse Event: - setInputFocus the target window before XSendEvent, and restore old input focus after all events are send - PressRelease can now be zero, in which case target window is also raised and input focus is retained - Changed default keytimeout and clicktimeout to 10 and 15 seconds resp (was 5 and 8 secs) - Fixed documentation bugs and brought it up to date.